Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that includes a 5 tier-model of human needs that are important to consider as an educator. Tiers need to be satisfied starting from the bottom in order for an individual to satisfy the needs above it. It’s important to consider this theory in education, because if these tiers are not satisfied for your students, it could be interfering with their learning.

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Each tier is listed and explain below:

1. Physiological needs: these are basic needs that are necessary for survival. Such as air, food, water, shelter, and sleep. Without these needs being met a humans body cannot function.

2. Safety needs: these needs include security of health, employment, property, family, and other resources.

3. Love and belongingness needs: these include social relationships and involve feelings of belonging. Includes friendship, trust, love, and acceptance.

4. Esteem needs: these include self-esteem and desire of respect from others.

5. Self-actualization needs:  these overall include self-fulfillment. Realizing person potential and seeking personal growth.