Executive Functioning

I plan on fostering a culture of error in my classroom by working on executive functioning skills.

Executive functioning includes a set of three mental processes that have to do with self-regulating oneself in order to get something done. Working memory is the first process and includes how we process and store information. The second is flexible thinking/cognitive thinking and is our ability to think about something in more than one way. The third is self-control/inhibitory control which is behavior and emotion regulation.

Working on these skills with children will help foster a culture of error in my classroom. I will teach students the right way to handle common situations before they happen. When discussing different skills for working memory I will help students understand everyone processes and stores the information we learn differently, so not all students may be able to understand the information right away. We will work on flexible thinking skills which will help students understand not everyone thinks about information in the same way, so peers may apply their information differently.

Most importantly will be working on self control skills helping students understand how to regulate their behaviors and emotions. I will help students learn how to respond each other with respect by controlling their behaviors and emotions.

These skills will help students to understand that mistakes are okay, and how to respond to peers who may make a mistake. This is important because students need to feel safe and comfortable when working and learning in their classroom.