Building Relationships

Below are five activities I plan to use to help build positive relationships in my classroom.

One activity I would make sure to include into my everyday routine is morning meeting. Morning meeting helps build a positive classroom community with strong peer-to-peer and teacher-to-student connections. The greeting, share, and group activity help do this.

The second activity I would include in my future classroom is a morning greeting for the student. Before the students enter the classroom at the beginning of the day when they are lined up in the hall I will greet them as they walk in and offer a high-five, first bump, hug, handshake, or say hello.

The third activity I will make sure to include is classroom jobs, and this will help build relationships as they work together while learning responsibility.

The fourth activity I will include is role play skits that work on conflict-resolution skills. I will make sure to use dialog and guide students through the steps. This will help build relationships as students become familiar with how to apply these skill.

The last activity I will implement is making sure to include personal stories about myself by relating it to classroom content. This helps children form a relationship with me by getting to know who I am as a person outside the classroom, not just a teacher.

This website provides 32 tips for building better relationships with students that I will refer to: