
It’s important to foster a classroom environment to prevent bullying as an educator. I have developed a specific plan for anti-bullying in my future classroom.

Below is an important quote I would like to have displayed in my classroom, I will use this quote to support the lesson plans and activities I implement on anti-bullying.

I will implement lesson plans that develop an anti-bullying classroom. I will make sure the lesson plans inform students on the impacts and effects of bullying on individuals. The lesson plans should include real stories and situations of bullying to inform students. It’s important to make sure and include the consequences of bullying in the lesson plans.

I would also like to include lesson plans that teach students what to do when they see bullying or are being bullied. It’s important to include a lesson plan that address the difference between “jokes and fun” to bullying and harassment.

Along with lesson plans I will implement activities that promote anti-bullying. I will have children create classroom posters about bullying prevention after learning through their lesson plans. I will also have children create posters and campaigns that raise awareness to the whole school.

Free engaging activities and resources promoting an anti-bullying classroom for younger children can be found using this link. I would refer to this link in my future classroom.

I would also refer to the following two links in my future classroom. They include many excellent resources to lesson plans, activities, games, quizzes, background resources, audio/video, and books on anti-bullying.